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Permit to Work

Don’t Just Go Digital – Invest in Permit Analytics



Don’t Just Go Digital – Invest in Permit Analytics

We recently analysed data from over 14,000 digital permits issued across multiple properties. The findings were eye-opening – Monday saw 40% more permits starting than any other day of the week, placing a huge burden on the monitoring of the associated works. The knowledge of this helps you plan better. This stark variation highlights that […]

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Often people take time to understand the benefits of Proptech but when a client mentions that your Permit Module is ‘Sector Leading’ it leaves with you a sense of relief that all the hard work the team have put into the product has been worth it.

Thank you to all those clients who understand the benefits technology delivers to the property management profession and to all those who don’t yet understand then please get in touch, we would be happy to explain.

Dynamic Permits



Dynamic Permits

Are we now in an era of Dynamic Permits? We regularly discuss new working techniques with leading figures in the property management sector and it seems technology is playing an important role when re-imagining how the core services are being delivered. This technology is enabling the sector to improve its ability to manage work based activities […]

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